TITLE CodePageDemo.asm ; Displays character codes 1 to 255. Select from the ; following codepages for single-byte character sets: ; 1250 - Central Europe ; 1251 - Cyrillic ; 1252 - Latin I ; 1253 - Greek ; 1254 - Turkish ; 1255 - Hebrew ; 1256 - Arabic ; 1247 - Baltic ; 1258 - Vietnam ; 874 - Thai ; 437 - OEM United States ; 858 - OEM Multilingual Latin and European INCLUDE Irvine32.inc SetConsoleOutputCP PROTO, pageNum:DWORD .data divider BYTE " - ",0 codepage DWORD 1252 .code main PROC invoke SetConsoleOutputCP, codePage mov ecx,255 mov eax,1 mov edx,OFFSET divider L1: call WriteDec ; EAX is a counter call WriteString ; EDX points to string call WriteChar ; AL is the character call Crlf inc al ; next character Loop L1 exit main ENDP END main